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Cladus: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Chlorophyta
Classis: Chlorophyceae
Ordo: Volvocales
Familia: Chlamydomonadaceae
Genera: Carteria - Chlamydomonas - Chlorogonium - Chloromonas - Diplostauron - Gigantochloris - Gloeomonas - Heterochlamydomonas - Hyalobrachion - Hyalogonium - Lobomonas - Oltmannsiella - Parapolytoma - Peterfiella - Phyllariochloris - Polytoma - Provasoliella - Pyramichlamys - Sphaerella - Sphaerellopsis - Spirogonium - Tetrablepharis - Tetratoma - Tussetia - Vitreochlamys


Chlamydomonadaceae F. Stein


* Algaebase[1]

Plants Images

Biology Encyclopedia

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