Mathematics Encyclopedia
Incircle and excircles of a triangle
Indiana University Mathematics Journal
Infinite-dimensional vector function
Integral Equations and Operator Theory
Integral Transforms and Special Functions
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Inverse trigonometric functions
Involution algebra
Involution representation
Involutional system
Involutive distribution Irrational number
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics
Irreducible analytic space
Irreducible continuum
Irreducible mapping
Irreducible matrix group
Irreducible module
Irreducible topological space
Irreducible variety
Irregular boundary point
Irregular prime number
Irregular singular point
Irregularity indices
Isogonal trajectory
Isogons and isohedra
Isolated point
Isolated singular point
Isolated subgroup
Isometric immersion
Isometric mapping
Isometric operator
Isometric surfaces
Isomorphism problem
Isoperimetric inequality
Isotone mapping
Isotropic quadratic form
Isotropic submanifold
Isotropic vector
Isotropy congruence
Isotropy group
Isotropy representation
Italian school of algebraic geometry
Iterated kernel
Iteration algorithm
Ito formula
Ito process
Ivanov-Petrova metric
Iversen theorem