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Nobel Lectures , Physics, 1901-1921
Nobel Lectures , Physics 1922-1941
Nobel Lectures , Physics, 1942-1962
Nobel Lectures , Physics, 1963-1970
Nobel Lectures , Physics, 1996-2000
Optimization algorithms in physics, Alexander K. Hartmann, Heiko Rieger
New optimization algorithms in physics, Alexander K. Hartmann, Heiko Rieger
Physics of solitons, Thierry Dauxois, Michel Peyrard
Critical Problems In Physics, V.L. Fitch, D.R. Marlow, M.A.E. Dementi
Airy functions and applications to physics, Olivier Vallée, Manuel Soares
Applied Reactor Physics, Alain Hébert
Forces in physics: a historical perspective, Steven N. Shore
Geometric phases in physics, Frank Wilczek, A. Shapere
Introduction to mesoscopic physics, Yoseph Imry
Nuclear physics of stars, Christian Iliadis
The physics of amorphous solids, Richard Zallen
The Physics of Clouds, B. J. Mason
Physics of desertification, Farouk El-Baz,M. H. A. Hassan, International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Physics of ice, Victor F. Petrenko ,Robert W. Whitworth
The physics of extragalactic radio sources, David De Young
Physics of ferromagnetism, Sōshin Chikazumi, Chad D. Graham
The physics of fluid turbulence, W. D. McComb
Physics of Lakes: Foundation of the Mathematical and Physical Background, Kolumban Hutter,Yongqi Wang,Irina P. Chubarenko
The Physics of the Manhattan Project, B. Cameron Reed
Physics of Nonneutral Plasmas, Ronald C. Davidson
Physics of the Piano , Nicholas J. Giordan
The physics of foams, Denis Weaire,Stefan Hutzler
The physics of phase transitions: concepts and applications, Pierre Papon,Jacques Leblond , Paul Herman Ernst Meijer
Physics of strongly coupled plasma, V. E. Fortov, Igorʹ Tevfikovich I︡Akubov, Alekseĭ Georgievich Khrapak
The physics of structural phase transitions, Minoru Fujimoto
The physics of superconductors: introduction to fundamentals and applications, Vadim Vasilevich Shmidt, Paul Müller, Alexey V. Ustinov
Simulations for solid state physics: an interactive resource for students and teachers, Robert H. Silsbee, Jörg Dräger
Soil physics, Theo John Marshall, John Winspere Holmes, C. W. Rose
Spin in particle physics, Elliot Leader
Spinors in physics, Jean Hladik
Strong field laser physics, Thomas Brabec
Highlights of mathematical physics, A. S. Fokas
The Physics of sports, Vol. 1, Angelo Armenti
Knots and physics, Louis H. Kauffman
Commentary on Aristotle's Physics, Thomas Aquinas
Electroweak Physics at LEP and LHC, Arno Straessner
Computational many-particle physics, Holger Fehske, Ralf Schneider, Alexander Weisse
Health physics in the 21st century, Joseph John Bevelacqua
Vacuum physics and technology, G. L. Weissler, Robert Warner Carlson
Supersymmetry in particle physics: an elementary introduction, Ian Johnston Rhind Aitchison
Quantum scaling in many-body systems, Mucio Amado Continentino
Physics in the Arts, Pupa Gilbert, Willy Haeberli
Relativistic numerical hydrodynamics, James Ricker Wilson, Grant J. Mathews
Relativistic Many-Body Theory: A New Field-theoretical Approach, Ingvar Lindgren
Relativistic flight mechanics and space travel, Richard F. Tinder
Relativistic astrophysics and cosmology: a primer, Peter Höyng
Relativistic nonlinear electrodynamics: interaction of charged particles with strong and super strong laser fields, Hamlet Karo Avetissian
Introduction to relativistic heavy ion physics, J. Bartke
Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, Landolt, Börnstein Vol. 23
Phenomenology of Ultra-Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, Wojciech Florkowski
Lattice gauge theories: an introduction, Heinz J. Rothe
Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy, Max Jammer
The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem: a status report, Giovanni Gallavotti