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Unassigned Cyathea

Cladus: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Pteridophyta
Subdivisio: Pterophyta
Classis: Pteridopsida
Ordo: Cyatheales
Familia: Cyatheaceae
Genus: Cyathea
Subgenus: Unassigned
Species: †C. arborea - †C. cranhamii - †C. dealbata - †C. medullaris - †C. pinnata


* Smith, Selena Y., Rothwell, Gar W., & Stockey, Ruth A. (2003) "Cyathea cranhamii sp. nov. (Cyatheaceae), anatomically preserved tree fern sori from the Lower Cretaceous of Vancouver Island, British Columbia" 90:755-760

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