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Cladus: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Chlorophyta
Classis: Ulvophyceae
Ordo: Ulotrichales
Familia: Ulotrichaceae
Genus: Ulothrix
Species: U. flacca - U. zonata



Vernacular names
Български: Улотрикс
Česky: Kadeřnatka
Русский: Улотрикс
Українська: Улотрикс


In taxonomy, Ulothrix is a genus of algae, specifically of the Ulotrichaceae.[1]

Ulothrix is a genus of filamentous green algae, generally found in fresh and marine water. Its cells are normally as broad as they are long, and they thrive in the low temperatures of spring and winter. They become attached to surfaces by a modified holdfast cell. Reproduction is normally vegetative. They are Eukaryotic and unicellular. They are one of the 5 classes of microorganisms.


The plant body consists of unbranched, uniseriate filaments. The cells of the filaments are arranged end to end. They are rectangular or somewhat square in shape. The apical cell is somewhat rounded at its terminal end whereas the basal cell is elongated and does not have chlorophyll. It is also called the basal holdfast, which attaches the filament to the substratum. Each cell has a single girdle-like and parietal chloroplast and two to many pyrenoids are present in each chloroplast
Ulothrix 426

Reproduction in Ulothrix takes place by means of vegetative, asexual and sexual methods.
Vegetative reproduction

The common vegetative methods of reproduction are fragmentation and akinete formation.

Vegetative cells of Ulothrix break into small pieces accidentally. Each fragment develops into a new filament.
Akinete formation

Some of the vegetative cells of Ulothrix are converted into thick walled akinetes. Food reserves are accumulated within the akinetes. When the conditions are favourable each akinete develops into a new plant.

^ See the NCBI webpage on Ulothrix. Data extracted from the "NCBI taxonomy resources". National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved 2007-03-19.

External links
Scientific references

PubMed references for Ulothrix
PubMed Central references for Ulothrix
Google Scholar references for Ulothrix

Scientific databases

NCBI taxonomy page for Ulothrix
Search Tree of Life taxonomy pages for Ulothrix
Search Species2000 page for Ulothrix
AlgaTerra database
Index Nominum Genericorum

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