Classification System: Goffinet et al. (down to genus level)
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Bryophyta
Classis: Sphagnopsida
Ordo: Sphagnales
Familiae: Ambuchananiaceae - Flatbergiaceae - Sphagnaceae
Sphagnales Martius, Consp. Regn. Veg.: 2. 1835 (“Sphagnaceae”)
Goffinet B. & W.R. Buck. Classification of the Bryophyta. On-line version available at Checked on DATE.
Vernacular names
Deutsch: Torfmoose, Bleichmoose
English: Peat moss
日本語: ミズゴケ目
polski: Torfowce
中文: 泥炭藓目
The Sphagnales is an order of mosses with four living genera: Ambuchanania, Eosphagnum, Flatbergium, and Sphagnum.
The genus Sphagnum contains the largest number of species currently discovered (about 200, number varying according to the various authors). The other genera are currently limited to one species each.[1]
"Classification of the Bryophyta". Retrieved 2016-04-04.
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