Fine Art


Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Se, Sf, Sg, Sh, Si, Sj, Sk, Sl, Sm,

Sn, So, Sp, Sq, Sr, Ss, St, Su, Sv, Sw, Sx, Sy, Sz, SNr


Shadows of the Mind

Shafarevich, Igor

Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility

* Shanks, William
* Shanlan, Li

* Shannon, Claude

Shannon measure

Shape of the Universe

Shape optimization: theory, approximation, and computation, Introduction to , J. Haslinger, R. A. E. Mäkinen

Shapiro, Irwin

Shapiro polynomials

Shapley, Harlow
Shapley-Ames catalogue

* Sharkovsky, Oleksandr

Sharkovsky’s theorem

* Sharp, Abraham


Sharpless, Karl Barry

* Shatunovsky, Samuil

Shaw, George Russell : The Genus Pinus,

SHAZAM (software)


Sheaf of logarithmic differential forms

Sheaf of planes
Sheaf of spectra


Shearer's inequality

Shechtman Dan

Sheffer sequence

Shekel function

Shell model

Shelling (topology)

Shells: Atlantic and Gulf Coasts and the West Indies, A Field Guide to , R. Tucker Abbott, Percy A. Morris

* Shen Kua
* Sheppard, William

Shephard's problem




Sherman–Morrison formula
Sherman–Takeda theorem

Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott

Sherrington–Kirkpatrick model

Sherwood number

* Shewhart, Walter

Shewhart Medal


Shibataea chinensis
Shibataea hispida
Shibataea lanceifolia

* Shields, Allen

Shift matrix
Shift operator
Shift rule
Shift space
Shift theorem

Shijie, Zhu

* Shilnikov Bifurcation

Shil’nikov homoclinic orbit

Shimomura Osamu

Shimura variety


Shinisaurus crocodilurus

Shintani zeta function

Shioda modular surface

Ship Construction

Shirakawa, Hideki

Shishikura, Mitsuhiro

Shiva laser

Shklovkii, Iosif

* Shnirelman, Lev

Shnirelman’s theorem

Shock Waves
Shockley William Bradford

* Shoda, Kenjiro


Shortest Path Faster Algorithm

Shotgun sequencing

* Shoujing, Guo

Shouxian, Fang


* Shtokalo, Josif
Shneivais, Alexander

Schrieffer John Robert

Shuffle algebra

Shulgin Alexander

Shull Clifford Glenwood

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