Fine Art

Spatula versicolor

Spatula versicolor (*)

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Megaclassis: Osteichthyes
Cladus: Sarcopterygii
Cladus: Rhipidistia
Cladus: Tetrapodomorpha
Cladus: Eotetrapodiformes
Cladus: Elpistostegalia
Superclassis: Tetrapoda
Cladus: Reptiliomorpha
Cladus: Amniota
Classis: Reptilia
Cladus: Eureptilia
Cladus: Romeriida
Subclassis: Diapsida
Cladus: Sauria
Infraclassis: Archosauromorpha
Cladus: Crurotarsi
Divisio: Archosauria
Cladus: Avemetatarsalia
Cladus: Ornithodira
Subtaxon: Dinosauromorpha
Cladus: Dinosauriformes
Cladus: Dracohors
Cladus: Dinosauria
Ordo: Saurischia
Cladus: Eusaurischia
Subordo: Theropoda
Cladus: Neotheropoda
Cladus: Averostra
Cladus: Tetanurae
Cladus: Avetheropoda
Cladus: Coelurosauria
Cladus: Tyrannoraptora
Cladus: Maniraptoromorpha
Cladus: Maniraptoriformes
Cladus: Maniraptora
Cladus: Pennaraptora
Cladus: Paraves
Cladus: Eumaniraptora
Cladus: Avialae
Infraclassis: Aves
Cladus: Euavialae
Cladus: Avebrevicauda
Cladus: Pygostylia
Cladus: Ornithothoraces
Cladus: Ornithuromorpha
Cladus: Carinatae
Parvclassis: Neornithes
Cohors: Neognathae
Cladus: Pangalloanserae
Cladus: Galloanseres
Ordo: Anseriformes

Familia: Anatidae
Genus: Spatula
Species: Spatula versicolor
Subspecies: S. v. fretensis – S. v. versicolor

Spatula versicolor (Vieillot, 1816)

Anas versicolor (protonym)


Vieillot, L.J.P. 1816. Nouveau Dictionnaire d’Histoire naturelle, appliquée aux arts, à l'agriculture, à l'économie rurale et domestique, à la médecine, etc. Par une société de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs. Avec des figures tirées des trois règnes de la nature. Tome 5. 614 pp. + 9 tt. Déterville, Paris. : 109 BHL Reference page.

Vernacular names
català: Xarxet encaputxat
čeština: Čírka modrozobá
Cymraeg: Corhwyaden arian
dansk: Pampasand
Deutsch: Versicolorente
English: Silver Teal
Esperanto: Kapuĉanaso
español: Cerceta capuchina
فارسی: خوتکای نقره‌ای
français: Sarcelle bariolée
magyar: Ezüstréce
Bahasa Indonesia: Itik perak
italiano: Alzavola argentata
日本語: ギンイロシマアジ
Plattdüütsch: Sülveraante
Nederlands: Zilvertaling
norsk: Sølvand
polski: Srebrzanka modrodzioba
português: Marreca-cricri
русский: Разноцветный чирок
svenska: Silverand
Tiếng Việt: Mòng két bạc
中文: 銀鴨

The silver teal or versicolor teal (Spatula versicolor) is a species of dabbling duck in the genus Spatula. It breeds in South America.

Between April and June they prefer reed beds and will lay 6 to 10 creamy-pink eggs. As with swans and geese, both parents will rear the ducklings.[2] A pair may bond long term. It lives on fresh water in small groups, and feeds primarily on vegetable matter such as seeds and aquatic plants.[3][citation needed][4]

The silver teal's range includes southern Bolivia, southern Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands,[1] and the Falkland Islands.[5] The southernmost birds migrate to southern Brazil in the winter.

Silver teals are on the whole placid ducks but may be protective of eggs, young and females.[2]

They have a black cap that extends below the eyes, and a bluish bill with a yellow tip. They also have a green speculum with a white border.[6]

The Puna teal was previously regarded as a subspecies of this bird. Currently, there are two subspecies:

S. versicolor versicolor northern silver teal located in Paraguay, southern Bolivia, and southern Brazil.[5]
S. versicolor fretensis southern silver teal located in southern Chile, Argentina, and the Falkland Islands.[5]


BirdLife International (2016). "Spatula versicolor". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T22680329A92855919. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-3.RLTS.T22680329A92855919.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
McKinney, Frank; Brewer, Gwen (1989-01-01). "Parental Attendance and Brood Care in Four Argentine Dabbling Ducks". The Condor. 91 (1): 131–138. doi:10.2307/1368156. JSTOR 1368156.
"Silver Teals | Beauty of Birds". Retrieved 2019-04-11.
"Anas versicolor Vieillot 1816 - Encyclopedia of Life". Retrieved 2019-02-23.
Clements, J. (2007)


Clements, James, (2007) The Clements Checklist of the Birds of the World, Cornell University Press, Ithaca
"Dabbling Ducks". Connecticut Waterfowl Trust. April 2, 2003 (Retrieved October 31, 2006).

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