
Beamstrahlung (from beam + bremsstrahlung ) is the radiation from one beam of charged particles in storage rings or linear colliders caused by its interaction with the electromagnetic field of the other beam.[1] Coined by J. Rees in 1978.[2]

It is a source of radiation loss in colliders, more specifically a type of synchrotron radiation.


Beamstrahlung as a Beam-Beam Diagnostic; as of 30 December 2012.

"Limitations on Performance of e+ e- Storage Rings and Linear Colliding Beam Systems at High Energy"; as of 30 December 2012.

Further reading

Chen, Pisin (1992). "Differential luminosity under multiphoton beamstrahlung". Physical Review D 46 (3): 1186–1191. Bibcode:1992PhRvD..46.1186C. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.46.1186. ISSN 0556-2821.

Blankenbecler, Richard; Drell, Sidney (1988). "Quantum Beamstrahlung: Prospects for a Photon-Photon Collider". Physical Review Letters 61 (20): 2324–2327. Bibcode:1988PhRvL..61.2324B. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.61.2324. ISSN 0031-9007.

Jacob, M.; Wu, Tai Tsun (1987). "Quantum approach to beamstrahlung". Physics Letters B 197 (1-2): 253–258. Bibcode:1987PhLB..197..253J. doi:10.1016/0370-2693(87)90377-7. ISSN 0370-2693.

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