In abstract algebra, the sedenions form a 16-dimensional noncommutative and nonassociative algebra over the reals obtained by applying the Cayley–Dickson construction to the octonions. The set of sedenions is denoted by \( \mathbb{S} \) .
The term "sedenion" is also used for other 16-dimensional algebraic structures, such as a tensor product of 2 copies of the biquaternions, or the algebra of 4 by 4 matrices over the reals, or that studied by Smith (1995).
Like octonions, multiplication of sedenions is neither commutative nor associative. But in contrast to the octonions, the sedenions do not even have the property of being alternative. They do, however, have the property of power associativity, which can be stated as for any element x of \( \mathbb{S} \) , the power \( x^n \) is well-defined. They are also flexible.
Every sedenion is a linear combination of the unit sedenions e0, e1, e2, e3, ...,e15, which form a basis of the vector space of sedenions. Every sedenion can be represented in the form
\( x = x_0e_0 + x_1e_1 + x_2e_2 + \ldots + x_{14}e_{14} + x_{15}e_{15},\,. \)
Addition and subtraction are defined by the addition and subtraction of corresponding coefficients and multiplication is distributive over addition.
Like other algebras based on the Cayley–Dickson construction, the sedenions contain the algebra it was constructed from. So they contain the octonions (e0 to e7 in the table below), and therefore also the quaternions (e0 to e3), complex numbers (e0 and e1) and reals (e0).
The sedenions have a multiplicative identity element e0 and multiplicative inverses but they are not a division algebra because they have zero divisors. This means that two non-zero sedenions can be multiplied to obtain zero: an example is (e3 + e10)×(e6 − e15). All hypercomplex number systems based on the Cayley–Dickson construction after sedenions contain zero divisors.
The multiplication table of these unit sedenions follows:
The multiplication table of these unit sedenions follows:
× | e0 | e1 | e2 | e3 | e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 | e8 | e9 | e10 | e11 | e12 | e13 | e14 | e15 |
e0 | e0 | e1 | e2 | e3 | e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 | e8 | e9 | e10 | e11 | e12 | e13 | e14 | e15 |
e1 | e1 | −e0 | e3 | −e2 | e5 | −e4 | −e7 | e6 | e9 | −e8 | −e11 | e10 | −e13 | e12 | e15 | −e14 |
e2 | e2 | −e3 | −e0 | e1 | e6 | e7 | −e4 | −e5 | e10 | e11 | −e8 | −e9 | −e14 | −e15 | e12 | e13 |
e3 | e3 | e2 | −e1 | −e0 | e7 | −e6 | e5 | −e4 | e11 | −e10 | e9 | −e8 | −e15 | e14 | −e13 | e12 |
e4 | e4 | −e5 | −e6 | −e7 | −e0 | e1 | e2 | e3 | e12 | e13 | e14 | e15 | −e8 | −e9 | −e10 | −e11 |
e5 | e5 | e4 | −e7 | e6 | −e1 | −e0 | −e3 | e2 | e13 | −e12 | e15 | −e14 | e9 | −e8 | e11 | −e10 |
e6 | e6 | e7 | e4 | −e5 | −e2 | e3 | −e0 | −e1 | e14 | −e15 | −e12 | e13 | e10 | −e11 | −e8 | e9 |
e7 | e7 | −e6 | e5 | e4 | −e3 | −e2 | e1 | −e0 | e15 | e14 | −e13 | −e12 | e11 | e10 | −e9 | −e8 |
e8 | e8 | −e9 | −e10 | −e11 | −e12 | −e13 | −e14 | −e15 | −e0 | e1 | e2 | e3 | e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 |
e9 | e9 | e8 | −e11 | e10 | −e13 | e12 | e15 | −e14 | −e1 | −e0 | −e3 | e2 | −e5 | e4 | e7 | −e6 |
e10 | e10 | e11 | e8 | −e9 | −e14 | −e15 | e12 | e13 | −e2 | e3 | −e0 | −e1 | −e6 | −e7 | e4 | e5 |
e11 | e11 | −e10 | e9 | e8 | −e15 | e14 | −e13 | e12 | −e3 | −e2 | e1 | −e0 | −e7 | e6 | −e5 | e4 |
e12 | e12 | e13 | e14 | e15 | e8 | −e9 | −e10 | −e11 | −e4 | e5 | e6 | e7 | −e0 | −e1 | −e2 | −e3 |
e13 | e13 | −e12 | e15 | −e14 | e9 | e8 | e11 | −e10 | −e5 | −e4 | e7 | −e6 | e1 | −e0 | e3 | −e2 |
e14 | e14 | −e15 | −e12 | e13 | e10 | −e11 | e8 | e9 | −e6 | −e7 | −e4 | e5 | e2 | −e3 | −e0 | e1 |
e15 | e15 | e14 | −e13 | −e12 | e11 | e10 | −e9 | e8 | −e7 | e6 | −e5 | −e4 | e3 | e2 | −e1 | −e0 |
From the above table, we can see that:
\( e_0e_i = e_ie_0 = e_i, \)
\( e_ie_i = -e_0 \,\, \text{for}\,\, i \neq 0, \)
\( e_ie_j = -e_je_i \,\, \text{for}\,\, i \neq j \,\,\text{and}\,\, i,j \neq 0. \)
\( e_i(e_je_k) = -(e_ie_j)e_k \,\,\text{for}\,\, i \neq j,\,\, i,j \neq 0\,\,\text{and}\,\, e_ie_j\neq \plusmn e_k. \)
Moreno (1998) showed that the space of norm 1 zero-divisors of the sedenions is homeomorphic to the compact form of the exceptional Lie group G2.
See also
Pfister's sixteen-square identity
Hypercomplex number
Split-complex number
Imaeda, K.; Imaeda, M. (2000), "Sedenions: algebra and analysis", Applied mathematics and computation 115 (2): 77–88, doi:10.1016/S0096-3003(99)00140-X, MR 1786945
Kinyon, M.K., Phillips, J.D., Vojtěchovský, P.: C-loops: Extensions and constructions, Journal of Algebra and its Applications 6 (2007), no. 1, 1–20. [1]
Kivunge, Benard M. and Smith, Jonathan D. H: "Subloops of sedenions", Comment.Math.Univ.Carolinae 45,2 (2004)295–302.
Moreno, Guillermo (1998), "The zero divisors of the Cayley–Dickson algebras over the real numbers", Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Boletí n. Tercera Serie 4 (1): 13–28, arXiv:q-alg/9710013, MR 1625585
Smith, Jonathan D. H. (1995), "A left loop on the 15-sphere", Journal of Algebra 176 (1): 128–138, doi:10.1006/jabr.1995.1237, MR 1345298
Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics
Graduate Studies in Mathematics
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