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Gedrite is a silicate mineral of the amphibole group with formula: (Mg;Fe2+)2[(Mg;Fe2+)3Al2](Si6Al2)O22(OH)2. Gedrite occurs in contact and medium to high grade metamorphic rocks in association with garnet, cordierite, anthophyllite, cummingtonite, sapphirine, sillimanite, kyanite, quartz, staurolite and biotite.[1]

Gedrite was first described for an occurrence in Gedres, France in 1836.[2]


1. ^ a b http://www.handbookofmineralogy.org/pdfs/gedrite.pdf Handbook of Mineralogy
2. ^ a b http://webmineral.com/data/Gedrite.shtml Webmineral
3. ^ http://www.mindat.org/min-1665.html Mindat

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