1992 Planetary system around a pulsar
4 January 1992 discovery of 6071 Sakitama
30 January 1992 discovery of 6051 Anaximenes
9 February 1992 discovery of 6052 Junichi
30 April 1992 discovery of 7421 Kusaka
2 September 1992 discovery of 7425 Lessing
24 September 1992 discovery of 30883 de Broglie
26 October 1992 discovery of 6022 Jyuro and 6023 Tsuyashima
27 October 1992 discovery of 6024 Ochanomizu
24 December 1992 discovery of 7429 Hoshikawa
30 December 1992 discovery of 6025 Naotosato
10 April 1992 Birth of Peter Dennis Mitchell
20 April 1992 Death of Llewellyn Hilleth Thomas
20 December 1992 Death of David Joseph Bohm
1992 Death of Grace Hopper
1992 Death of Barbara McClintock
1992 Death of Jan Hendrik Oort
1992 Death of Gerard K. O'Neill
Nobel Prize
Physics to Georges Charpak "for his invention and development of particle detectors, in particular the multiwire proportional chamber"
Chemistry to Rudolph Arthur Marcus "for his contributions to the theory of electron transfer reactions in chemical systems"
Physiology or Medicine to Edmond H. Fischer and Edwin G. Krebs "for their discoveries concerning reversible protein phosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanism"