1977 — Gary Steigman, David Schramm, and James Gunn examine the relation between the primordial helium abundance and number of neutrinos and claim that at most five lepton families can exist.
DNA is sequenced for the first time by Fred Sanger, Walter Gilbert, and Allan Maxam working independently. Sanger's lab sequence the entire genome of bacteriophage Φ-X174.
20 August 1977 lauch of Voyager 2 spacecraft
5 September 1977 lauch of Voyager 1 spacecraft
13 March 1977 discovery of 2646 Abetti
14 July 1977 discovery of 2607 Yakutia
14 August 1977 discovery of 2670 Chuvashia
18 August 1977 discovery of 3053 Dresden
20 August 1977 discovery of 7046 Reshetnev
21 August 1977 discovery of 2671 Abkhazia
11 September 1977 discovery of 3054 Strugatskia
23 September 1977 discovery of 5343 Ryzhov
12 October 1977 discovery of 3026 Sarastro
16 October 1977 discovery of 6055 Brunelleschi, 6056 Donatello and 6057 Robbia
17 October 1977 discovery of 7447 Marcusaurelius
12 November 1977 discovery of 2314 Field
5 February 1977 Death of Oskar Benjamin Klein in Stockholm, Sweden
17 May 1977 Death of Ronald Alexander McIntosh in Auckland, New Zealand
25 December 1977 Death of Maud Worcester Makemson, inWeatherford, Texas, USA,
Death of 1 Bruce Charles Heezen
1977 Death of George Kenneth Green
1977 Death of Bruno Touschek
1977 Death of Gersh Itshkovich (Andrei Mikhailovich) Budker
Nobel Prize
Physics to Philip Warren Anderson, Sir Nevill Francis Mott and John Hasbrouck van Vleck "for their fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems"
Chemistry to Ilya Prigogine "for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures"
Physiology or Medicine to Roger Guillemin and Andrew V. Schally "for their discoveries concerning the peptide hormone production of the brain" and to Rosalyn Yalow "for the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones"