Edwin McMillan and Philip H. Abelson identify neptunium, the lightest and first synthesized transuranium element, found in the products of uranium fission. McMillan would found a lab at Berkley that would be involved in the discovery of many new elements and isotopes
Discovery of Astatine (Corson, Mackenzie, Segré)
Rhesus factor , Landsteiner
First radio map of sky, Reber
14Carbon, Kamen and Ruben
7 January 1940 discovery of 3019 Kulin
13 January 1940 discovery of 1880 McCrosky
9 April 1940 discovery of 2639 Planman
3 August 1940 discovery of 1881 Shao
24 November 1940 discovery of 4162 SAF
4 January 1940 Birth of Brian David Josephson
20 March 1940, Death of Ferdinand Ellerman in Pasadena, California, USA
24 March 1940 Death of Edouard Eugène Désiré Branly
17 June 1940 Death of Arthur Harden
30 August 1940 Death of Joseph John Thomson
31 August 1940 Death of Raymond Smith Dugan in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
8 October 1940, Death of Robert Emden in Zürich, Switzerland
11 October 1940 Death of Vito Volterra
24 October 1940, Death of Pierre Weiss