Fine Art


Cloud Chamber, C. T. R.Wilson
Superconductivity, Kamerlingh-Onnes


3 February 1911 discovery of 708 Raphaela and 709 Fringilla

28 February 1911 discovery of 710 Gertrud

1 March 1911 discovery of 711 Marmulla

19 March 1911 discovery of 712 Boliviana

18 April 1911 discovery of 713 Luscinia

22 April 1911 discovery of 715 Transvaalia

18 May 1911 discovery of 714 Ulula

30 July 1911 discovery of 716 Berkeley

26 August 1911 discovery of 717 Wisibada

29 September 1911 discovery of 718 Erida

3 October 1911 discovery of 719 Albert

18 October 1911 discovery of 720 Bohlinia, 721 Tabora and 722 Frieda

21 October 1911 discovery of 723 Hammonia , 724 Hapag and 725 Amanda

22 November 1911 discovery of 726 Joella


28 March 1911, Birth of Gale Bruno Van Albada in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

13 June 1911 Birth of Luis Walter Alvarez

4 July 1911 Birth of of Frederick Seitz

9 July 1911 Birth of John Archibald Wheeler

9 August 1911 Birth of William Alfred Fowler

23 December 1911 Birth of Niels K. Jerne

1911 Death of Jacobus Henrikus van ’t Hoff

1911 Death of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker

1911 Death of George Johnstone Stoney

1911 Birth of Samuel Herrick

1911 Birth of Donald William Kerst

1911 Birth of George Kenneth Green


Nobel Prize

Physics to Wilhelm Wien for his discoveries regarding the laws governing the radiation of heat.

Chemistry to Marie Curie Sklodowska "in recognition of her services to the advancement of chemistry by the discovery of the elements radium and polonium, by the isolation of radium and the study of the nature and compounds of this remarkable element"

Physiology or Medicine to Allvar Gullstrand "for his work on the dioptrics of the eye"


1910 - 1911 - 1912

Hellenica World - Scientific Library