Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Charophyta
Classis: Zygnematophyceae
Ordo: Zygnematales
Familia: Zygnemataceae
Genus: Mougeotia
Mougeotia C.Agardh (1824), nom. cons.
Agardh, C.A. 1824. Systema Algarum. pp. [i]–xxxvii, [1]–312. Lundae: Literis Berlingianis. BHL Reference page.
Mougeotia is a genus of filamentous charophyte green algae of the order Zygnematales. It is a common component of freshwater aquatic habitats around the world.[2] Described in 1824 by Carl Adolph Agardh,[1] its name honors the French botanist Jean-Baptiste Mougeot.[3]
Mougeotia forms uniserial (one cell thick) chains of cells, called filaments, that are usually unbranched; in certain conditions, it forms branched filaments. Cells are cylindrical, many times longer than wide. Each cell has one or two flat, rectangular and ribbon-shaped chloroplasts that fill the cell. Chloroplasts are able to twist in response to light conditions.[2] The nucleus is located at the center of the cell.[3]
Mougeotia is able to reproduce sexually, through a process known as conjugation. It is isogamous, with two different but identically appearing gamete types.[4]
In scalariform conjugation, cells of two separate filaments line up parallel to one other. Cells of one filament connect to those of the other via a tube.[5]
In its vegetative state, Mougeotia appears essentially identical to two other genera, Transeauina and Temnogametum. Transeauina (formerly known as Debarya) is distinguished from Mougeotia in having gametangia filled with layers of pectin giving it a stratified appearance. Temnogametum is a rare genus that is probably restricted to the tropics; it differs from Mougeotia in having spores filled with oil droplets. Mougeotia is also similar to the genus Mougeotiopsis, but the latter genus has chloroplasts that lack pyrenoids.[2]
Species identification depends on observing the morphology of reproductive structures, called zygospores; this is difficult because they are rarely present.[6]
Chloroplast movement
Mougeotia and the related genus Mesotaenium display chloroplast movement in response to light. When exposed to red light or low levels of white light, the chloroplast twists along its long axis until it is perpendicular to the direction of the light, thus achieving maximum irradiation. When exposed to blue and white light at the same time (such as in high levels of white light), the chloroplast rotates to minimize irradiation.[7]
Chloroplast rotation is mediated by phytochrome molecules located at the plasma membrane, as well as an additional pigment that absorbs blue light. When absorbing light, the pigment forms a gradient along the plasma membrane, which is then transduced into a movement response. Although the exact mechanism behind the gradient is unknown, it is known that the chloroplast is moved by F-actin threads attached to the membrane.[7]
Mougeotia prefers meso-oligotrophic, especially acidic freshwater habitats[3] and can form algal blooms. Its growth is not optimal under acidic conditions, but Mougeotia can tolerate the heavy metals such as aluminum and zinc that are more biologically available, and is efficient at gathering dissolved inorganic carbon.[3]
Several characteristics of Mougeotia appear to contribute to ability to form blooms. In conditions of where phosphorus is the limiting nutrient, Mougeotia is able to compete well, and its chloroplast can rotate allowing it to persist in lower-light conditions. Its filamentous morphology allows Mougeotia to slow down the rate of sinking. Although Mougeotia is not known to be toxic, it is mostly inedible for zooplankton.[6] In Israel, it has become an invasive species.[8]
As of May 2023, AlgaeBase accepted the following species:[1]
Mougeotia abnormis Kisselev
Mougeotia acadiana Transeau
Mougeotia adnata M.O.P.Iyengar
Mougeotia americana Transeau
Mougeotia angolensis West & G.S.West
Mougeotia angusta (Hassall) Czurda
Mougeotia areolata Transeau
Mougeotia aspera Woronichin
Mougeotia atubulosa H.Krieger
Mougeotia austriaca Czurda
Mougeotia badia C.C.Jao & Y.X.Wei
Mougeotia banneergattensis Iyengar
Mougeotia bicalyptrata Wittrock
Mougeotia birecava C.C.Jao
Mougeotia boodlei (West & G.S West) Collins
Mougeotia caelestis Transeau
Mougeotia caimanii Transeau
Mougeotia calcarea (Cleve) Wittrock
Mougeotia capucina C.Agardh
Mougeotia castanea Wei
Mougeotia cherokeana Taft
Mougeotia chlamydata Prescott
Mougeotia compressa Liu
Mougeotia congolensis Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia conifera C.-C.Jao & H.J.Hu
Mougeotia corniculata Hansgirg
Mougeotia costata O.Bock & W.Bock
Mougeotia cotopaxiensis Prescott
Mougeotia crassa (Wolle) De Toni
Mougeotia craterophora Bohlin
Mougeotia cyanea Transeau
Mougeotia cylindrospora Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia daytonae Transeau
Mougeotia delicata Beck
Mougeotia depressa (Hassall) Wittrock
Mougeotia disjuncta Transeau
Mougeotia djalonensis Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia elegantula Wittrock
Mougeotia ellipsoidea (West & G.S.West) Czurda
Mougeotia faurelii Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia faveolatospora Kirjakov
Mougeotia floridana Transeau
Mougeotia fossa O.Bock & W.Bock
Mougeotia fragilis (Zeller) De Toni
Mougeotia fujianensis H.P.Zheng & Z.H.Chen
Mougeotia gelatinosa Wittrock
Mougeotia geniculata Chian
Mougeotia genuflexa (Roth) C.Agardh
Mougeotia globulispora C.-C.Jao
Mougeotia gotlandica (Cleve) Wittrock
Mougeotia gracillima (Hassall) Wittrock
Mougeotia granulata C.-C.Jao & H.J.Hu
Mougeotia granulosa Transeau
Mougeotia guadalupensis Caballero
Mougeotia guanahacabibensis Rieth
Mougeotia handelii Skuja
Mougeotia hebeiana Liang & Wang
Mougeotia heterogama Geitler
Mougeotia hirnii Transeau
Mougeotia horniculata Kargupta & R.N.Jha
Mougeotia hupehensis C.-C.Jao & Hu
Mougeotia indica Randhawa
Mougeotia irregularis West & G.S.West
Mougeotia islamii R.J.Patel & Ashok Kumar
Mougeotia japonica Yamagishi
Mougeotia jilinensis C.C.Jao & Y.X.Wei
Mougeotia kerguelensis Willi Krieger
Mougeotia kunjukuttii R.J.Patel & Ashok Kumar
Mougeotia kwangsiensis C.-C.Jao
Mougeotia lacustris C.C.Jao & Y.X.Wei
Mougeotia laetevirens (A.Braun) Wittrock
Mougeotia laevis (Kützing) W.Archer
Mougeotia lamellosa C.-C.Jao
Mougeotia latireticulata Zheng
Mougeotia longiarticulata A.K.Islam
Mougeotia macrospora (Wolle) De Toni
Mougeotia maltae Skuja
Mougeotia mayorii G.S.West
Mougeotia megaspora Wittrock
Mougeotia mesocarpiana Ferrer & Cáceres
Mougeotia miamiana Transeau
Mougeotia micropora Taft
Mougeotia micropunctata Yamagishi
Mougeotia microverrucosa H.Krieger
Mougeotia minutissima Lemmermann
Mougeotia nayarhatensis (A.K.Islam) Kadlubowska
Mougeotia neocaledonica Bourrelly
Mougeotia ningxiaensis Ling & Zheng
Mougeotia notabilis Hassall
Mougeotia nummuloides (Hassall) De Toni
Mougeotia oblongata Transeau
Mougeotia obuchovae Rundina
Mougeotia oedogonioides Czurda
Mougeotia olivacea Y.J.Ling
Mougeotia opelousasensis Taft
Mougeotia operculata Transeau
Mougeotia ornata C.-C.Jao
Mougeotia ovalis (Hassall) Wittrock & Nordstedt
Mougeotia ovalispora Krieger
Mougeotia padulosa G.S.West
Mougeotia paludosa G.S.West
Mougeotia parvireticulata C.-C.Jao & H.-J.Hu
Mougeotia parvula Hassall
Mougeotia pawhuskae Taft
Mougeotia pectosa Transeau
Mougeotia perforata Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia pitotiana Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia poinciana Transeau
Mougeotia polymorpha Geitler
Mougeotia pomifera Margalef
Mougeotia producta West & G.S.West
Mougeotia prona Transeau
Mougeotia pseudo-opelousasensis Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia pseudocalospora Czurda
Mougeotia pseudovarians Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia pulchella (Wittrock) De Toni
Mougeotia punctata (Wittrock) De Toni
Mougeotia qinghaiensis Zheng
Mougeotia quadrangulata Hassall
Mougeotia quadrangulata R.N.Jha & Kargupta
Mougeotia quadrata Randhawa
Mougeotia radicans (Kützing) Rabenhorst
Mougeotia rava Transeau
Mougeotia rectangularis H.Krieger
Mougeotia recurva (Hassall) De Toni
Mougeotia regelii Skuja
Mougeotia reticulata Hassall
Mougeotia robusta (De Bary) Wittrock
Mougeotia rotundangulata C.-C.Jao
Mougeotia sanfordiana Tiffany
Mougeotia scalaris Hassall
Mougeotia scrobiculata Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia semioleana Tiffany
Mougeotia sestertisignifera Stephen Skinner
Mougeotia sexangularis C.C.Jao
Mougeotia sinensis L.C.Li
Mougeotia smithii F.E.Fritsch
Mougeotia sphaerospora (Borge) Czurda
Mougeotia sphareocarpa Wolle
Mougeotia subcorniculata Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia subcrassa G.S.West
Mougeotia subellipsoidea A.K.Islam
Mougeotia submegaspora C.-C.Jao & H.-J.Hu
Mougeotia subpaludosa Ley
Mougeotia subpulchella Liu Lian
Mougeotia subpunctata C.-C.Jao
Mougeotia subrava Zheng
Mougeotia tenerrima G.S.West
Mougeotia tenuis (Cleve) Wittrock
Mougeotia tenuissima (De Bary) Czurda
Mougeotia thylespora Skuja
Mougeotia tibestica Gauthier-Lièvre
Mougeotia tibetica C.C.Jao & Y.X.Wei
Mougeotia transeaui Collins
Mougeotia transversalis Hassall
Mougeotia trapaeziformis M.O.P.Iyengar
Mougeotia tropica (West & G.S.West) Transeau
Mougeotia tubifera Tiffany
Mougeotia tumidula Transeau
Mougeotia turicensis Nipkow
Mougeotia uberosperma West & G.S.West
Mougeotia varians (Wittrock) Czurda
Mougeotia ventricosa (Wittrock) Collins
Mougeotia venustula C.-C.Jao & H.J.Hu
Mougeotia verruculosa C.-C.Jao
Mougeotia victoriensis G.S.West
Mougeotia violacea Kützing
Mougeotia virescens (Hassall) O.Borge
Mougeotia viridis (Kützing) Wittrock
Mougeotia viscosa C.C.Jao & H.J.Hu
Mougeotia yinchuanensis Ling & Zheng
Mougeotia yunnanensis C.-Y.Chian
Guiry, M.D.; Guiry, G.M. "Mougeotia". AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway. Retrieved 2023-05-20.
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Shayler, Hannah; Siver, Peter A. (2004). "Mougeotia". Carolina Lucid Key to Freshwater Algae. Connecticut College. Retrieved 2023-05-17.
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