- Art Gallery -
Chelidonichthys lucerna , Trigla lyra
Trigloporus lastoviza , Aspitrigla cuculus
Lepidotrigla guentheri, Chelidonichthys spinosus ,
Sea Robin |
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See text for species.
Sea robins are bottom-feeding scorpaeniform fishes in the family Triglidae. They get their name from their large pectoral fins, which, when swimming, open and close like a bird's wings in flight.
They are bottom dwelling fish, living at depths of up to 200 metres (660 ft). Most species are around 30 to 40 centimetres in length. They have an unusually solid skull, and many species also possess armoured plates on the body. Another distinctive feature is the presence of a "drumming muscle" that makes sounds by beating against the swim bladder.[1]
Sea robins have six spiny "legs," three on each side. These legs are really flexible spines that were once part of the pectoral fin. Over time, the spines separated themselves from the rest of the fin, developing into feeler-like "forelegs." The pelvic fins have been thought to let the fish "walk" on the bottom, but are really used to stir up food. When caught, it makes a croaking noise similar to a frog. The first three rays of the pectoral fins are membrane free and used for chemoreception.
Sea Robin flesh is described as firm and tender when cooked. The fish serves as an adequate replacement to rascasse, or scorpionfish, in bouillabaisse.
There are 114 species in eight genera:
- Genus Aspitrigla
- East Atlantic red gurnard, Aspitrigla cuculus Linnaeus, 1758.
- Genus Bellator
- Shortfin searobin, Bellator brachychir Regan, 1914.
- Streamer searobin, Bellator egretta Goode & Bean, 1896.
- Bellator farrago Richards & McCosker, 1998.
- Naked-belly searobin, Bellator gymnostethus (Gilbert, 1892).
- Barred searobin, Bellator loxias (Jordan, 1897).
- Horned searobin, Bellator militaris Goode & Bean, 1896.
- Bellator ribeiroi Miller, 1965.
- Splitnose searobin, Bellator xenisma Jordan & Bollman, 1890.
- Genus Chelidonichthys
- Cape gurnard, Chelidonichthys capensis Cuvier, 1829.
- Gabon gurnard, Chelidonichthys gabonensis Poll & Roux, 1955.
- Chelidonichthys ischyrus Jordan & Thompson, 1914.
- Bluefin gurnard, Chelidonichthys kumu Cuvier, 1829.
- Tub gurnard, Chelidonichthys lucerna Linnaeus, 1758.
- Longfin gurnard, Chelidonichthys obscurus Bloch & Schneider, 1801.
- Lesser gurnard, Chelidonichthys queketti Regan, 1904.
- Red gurnard, Chelidonichthys spinosus Gomon, 1987.
- Genus Eutrigla
- Grey gurnard, Eutrigla gurnardus Linnaeus, 1758.
- Genus Lepidotrigla
- Lepidotrigla abyssalis Jordan & Starks, 1904.
- Lepidotrigla alata Houttuyn, 1782.
- Lepidotrigla alcocki Regan, 1908.
- Lepidotrigla annamarae del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
- Long-finned gurnard, Lepidotrigla argus Ogilby, 1910.
- Lepidotrigla argyrosoma Fowler, 1938.
- Twohorn gurnard, Lepidotrigla bentuviai Richards & Saksena, 1977.
- Bullhorn gurnard, Lepidotrigla bispinosa Steindachner, 1898.
- Scaly gurnard, Lepidotrigla brachyoptera Hutton, 1872.
- Scalebreast gurnard, Lepidotrigla cadmani Regan, 1915.
- Lepidotrigla calodactyla Ogilby, 1910.
- Carol's gurnard, Lepidotrigla carolae Richards, 1968.
- Large-scaled gurnard, Lepidotrigla cavillone (Lacépède, 1801).
- Lepidotrigla deasoni Herre & Kauffman, 1952.
- Spiny gurnard, Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei Blanc & Hureau, 1973.
- Lepidotrigla eydouxii Sauvage, 1878.
- Scalybreast gurnard, Lepidotrigla faurei Gilchrist & Thompson, 1914.
- Supreme gurnard, Lepidotrigla grandis Ogilby, 1910.
- Lepidotrigla guentheri Hilgendorf, 1879.
- Lepidotrigla hime Matsubara & Hiyama, 1932.
- Lepidotrigla japonica Bleeker, 1854.
- Lepidotrigla jimjoebob Richards, 1992.
- Lepidotrigla kanagashira Kamohara, 1936.
- Lepidotrigla kishinouyi Snyder, 1911.
- Lepidotrigla larsoni del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
- Lepidotrigla lepidojugulata Li, 1981.
- Lepidotrigla longifaciata Yatou, 1981.
- Lepidotrigla longimana Li, 1981.
- Lepidotrigla longipinnis Alcock, 1890.
- Lepidotrigla macrobrachia Fowler, 1938.
- Lepidotrigla marisinensis Fowler, 1938.
- Lepidotrigla microptera Günther, 1873.
- Grooved gurnard, Lepidotrigla modesta Waite, 1899.
- Rough-snouted gurnard, Lepidotrigla mulhalli Macleay, 1884.
- Indian Ocean spiny gurnard, Lepidotrigla multispinosa Smith, 1934.
- Lepidotrigla musorstom del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
- Lepidotrigla nana del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
- Lepidotrigla oglina Fowler, 1938.
- Oman gurnard, Lepidotrigla omanensis Regan, 1905.
- Australian spiny gurnard, Lepidotrigla papilio Cuvier, 1829.
- Lepidotrigla pectoralis Fowler, 1938.
- Eastern spiny gurnard, Lepidotrigla pleuracanthica Richardson, 1845.
- Lepidotrigla punctipectoralis Fowler, 1938.
- Lepidotrigla robinsi Richards, 1997.
- Lepidotrigla russelli del Cerro & Lloris, 1995.
- Lepidotrigla sayademalha Richards, 1992.
- Lepidotrigla sereti del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
- Spotwing gurnard, Lepidotrigla spiloptera Günther, 1880.
- Lepidotrigla spinosa Gomon, 1987.
- Lepidotrigla umbrosa Ogilby, 1910.
- Butterfly gurnard, Lepidotrigla vanessa Richardson, 1839.
- Lepidotrigla vaubani del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
- Lepidotrigla venusta Fowler, 1938.
- Genus Prionotus
- Spiny searobin, Prionotus alatus Houttuyn, 1782.
- Whitesnout searobin, Prionotus albirostris Jordan & Bollman, 1890.
- Bean's searobin, Prionotus beanii Goode, 1896.
- Two-beaked searobin, Prionotus birostratus Richardson, 1844.
- Northern searobin, Prionotus carolinus Linnaeus, 1771.
- Striped searobin, Prionotus evolans Linnaeus, 1766.
- Bristly searobin, Prionotus horrens Richardson, 1844.
- Bigeye searobin, Prionotus longispinosus Teague, 1951.
- Gulf of Mexico barred searobin, Prionotus martis Ginsburg, 1950.
- Galapagos gurnard, Prionotus miles Jenyns, 1840.
- Prionotus murielae Mowbray, 1928.
- Red searobin, Prionotus nudigula Ginsburg, 1950.
- Bandtail searobin, Prionotus ophryas Jordan & Swain, 1885.
- Mexican searobin, Prionotus paralatus Ginsburg, 1950.
- Bluewing searobin, Prionotus punctatus Bloch, 1793.
- Bluespotted searobin, Prionotus roseus Jordan & Evermann, 1887.
- Blackwing searobin, Prionotus rubio Jordan, 1886.
- Common searobin, Prionotus ruscarius Gilbert & Starks, 1904.
- Leopard searobin, Prionotus scitulus Jordan & Gilbert, 1882.
- Shortwing searobin, Prionotus stearnsi Jordan & Swain, 1885.
- Lumptail searobin, Prionotus stephanophrys Lockington, 1881.
- Long-ray searobin, Prionotus teaguei Briggs, 1956.
- Bighead searobin, Prionotus tribulus Cuvier, 1829.
- Genus Pterygotrigla
- Pterygotrigla acanthomoplate Fowler, 1938.
- Pterygotrigla andertoni Waite, 1910.
- Mauritius gurnard, Pterygotrigla guezei Fourmanoir, 1963.
- Blackspotted gurnard, Pterygotrigla hemisticta Temminck & Schlegel, 1843.
- Pterygotrigla hoplites Fowler, 1938.
- Black-finned gurnard, Pterygotrigla leptacanthus (Günther, 1880).
- Pterygotrigla macrolepidota Kamohara, 1938.
- Pterygotrigla macrorhynchus Fowler, 1938.
- Pterygotrigla megalops Fowler, 1938.
- Antrorse spined gurnard, Pterygotrigla multiocellata Matsubara, 1937.
- Pterygotrigla multipunctata Yatou & Yamakawa, 1983.
- Yellow spotted gurnard, Pterygotrigla pauli Hardy, 1982.
- Spotted gurnard, Pterygotrigla picta Günther, 1880.
- Latchet, Pterygotrigla polyommata Richardson, 1839.
- Pterygotrigla robertsi del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
- Pterygotrigla ryukyuensis Matsubara & Hiyama, 1932.
- Pterygotrigla spirai Golani & Baranes, 1997.
- Pterygotrigla tagala Herre & Kauffman, 1952.
- Genus Trigla
- Piper gurnard, Trigla lyra Linnaeus, 1758.
- Streaked gurnard, Trigloporus lastoviza Bonnaterre, 1788.
1. ^ Eschmeyer, William N. (1998). Paxton, J.R. & Eschmeyer, W.N.. ed.. Encyclopedia of Fishes. San Diego: Academic Press. pp. 176–177. ISBN 0-12-547665-5.
* "Triglidae". FishBase. Ed. Rainer Froese and Daniel Pauly. February 2006 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2006.